
MX: Playground Politics Statement // Needs and Solutions // Research

Mission or Goal

Teach children the importance of democracy through learning and collaboration in the classroom.

Specific Audience

The key demographic for this system of learning would be grade school children. More specifically a beginning grade of 3rd grade.


Playground Politics develops a sense of collaboration and a better understanding of other students viewpoints. This helps to develop common views in the class and better solutions when problems do arise.

15 offline need + online solution

need: Voting anonymously.
solution: Use the In-app feature that will allow the class to open a voting poll where all students can vote anonymously. No raising hands anymore!

need: I want to become the class treasurer!
solution: Choosing the roll of a leader give you the opportunity to have important responsibilities in class whether its being treasurer or the line leader.

need: There is a disagreement on the playground but theres no teacher around.
solution: Those students can use P.P. through their tablets (or even on a built in device in the playground) to help them make the best decision and settle the disagreement.

need: students feel that a recent assignment was unfair or not challenging enough.
solution: the students can have an online discussion about their feelings towards the assignments. They can even post anonymously if they are afraid of any repercussion.

need: "today we get to voted on our next field trip but I'm too sick to go to school"
solution: Even if the student is not in class they will be able to participate in polls or discussion as long as they have Internet connection.

need: "I have no idea who I want to vote for class president!"
solution: P.P. can present a child with a questionnaire that will analyze what they want in a leader. This will not vote for them it will simple just inform them how comparable each candidate is and it's up to them to make the final decision.

need: "What about real world politics?"
solutions: To jumpstart their understanding of real world politics, PP will create open discussions on current events going on around them locally. This will get them to understand that politics affects your life even if you are just a kid.

need: The teacher is noticing a number of students are not doing well in class how can he/she help the students afraid to speak up about learning problems.
solutions: The teacher can use PP to open a anonymous discussion to find out what issues are going around in class and they can take action without making some students feel embarrassed.

need: A student has an idea for an assignment which may help the learning of the whole class, but does not know how to share this idea effectively.
solutions: PP will allow students to share ideas on a pin board/forum via their tablet. Other students could view these ideas and the teacher could check in on the forum daily for new posts. The student could also verbally present these ideas and use the forum as supporting information.

need: A student has an idea for an assignment which may help the learning of the whole class, but does not know how to share this idea effectively.
solutions: PP will allow students to share ideas on a pin board/forum via their tablet. Other students could view these ideas and the teacher could check in on the forum daily for new posts. The student could also verbally present these ideas and use the forum as supporting information.

need: There is a school-wide soccer game among multiple classes. How can the best teams be determined?
solutions: The classes can utilize PP as a platform for picking teams. This will connect students with the larger community of their school and form collaboration among the micro community classes.

need: What’s going on in the world outside of the school?
solutions: Students could gain a better understanding of other cultures and current events using PP to find and share with the rest of the class. This information could be found via the web or via print materials and could be depicted on a larger screen in the classroom to share with the student’s peers.

need: What’s going on in the world outside of the school?
solutions: Students could gain a better understanding of other cultures and current events using PP to find and share with the rest of the class. This information could be found via the web or via print materials and could be depicted on a larger screen in the classroom to share with the student’s peers.

need: A large majority of the class isn’t understanding their math problems too well because the teacher is moving too quickly.
solutions: Students determine that working in smaller groups may work better for this particular set of math problems. The teacher takes a poll on who is understanding the problems and who isn’t using PP. This poll is anonymous to the class, but the teacher can see who is who. The teacher then can disperse into groups the children who are understanding the problems with students who aren’t understanding. The children with an understanding can use PP interface to break down the problems and help the other students understand.

need: The teacher or parent needs to see how each member of the community is interacting with one another.
solutions: PP will give a visual report breaking down collaboration, sharing, roles in the classroom, leadership and partner support. These statistics will help guide the teacher/parent to help develop the student as a better citizen.

need: Two students cannot figure out work on a research project together.
solutions: PP’s interface will have a feature which would allow students to visually depict tasks which need to be completed. They can then choose who will do what and each student will receive a report on what specific tasks they need to complete. This will help to evenly distribute tasks and ensure that one student does not end up doing all of the work on a project.

need: A student can’t remember the role of someone else in the classroom, but they need to speak with them.
solutions: Augmented role identifiers will make this situation simple. Utilizing tech tiles and the student’s tablet, they can use a feature in PP to hold up their tablet and visually view the different roles of all of the students in the classroom. Each desk would have a tech tile which would interact with the tablet.

need: Students are not interacting fairly inside and outside of the classroom due to a lack of democratic understanding.
solutions: PP will have a resource database which they can refer back to any time that they have questions. The first post and point of reference will be an intro motion graphic (relating to the age group) depicting the importance of democracy.

By and For Community Mood Boards Our community mood boards are located here. We plan to continue adding to these mood boards throughout the process and use it as inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. The following doesn't really describe how technology will aid:

    need: I want to become the class treasurer!
    solution: Choosing the roll of a leader give you the opportunity to have important responsibilities in class whether its being treasurer or the line leader.

    Also, I thought the ways you were allowing the teacher to aid more behind the scenes was great.
