
MX: branding beginnings

We have changed a lot about our app over the last few week so it has definitely affected how our vision of the app was when we first started. But I know I'm happy with the direction it's heading. Me and Sam pulled a good brain storm session to knock out a name and branding design (including colors and type)for this and In just a few hours this is where we got.

For obvious reasons we started with red white and blue but we felt to literal but we wanted to stay near than because it is still highly relevant to our topic.
We have both been attached to using Gotham as a primary type. It has been use in lots of political campaigns so that relationship drew us to use Gotham we are still figuring out other typefaces.

After some word mapping we settled on a few key possibilities each hint to the functions of the app with out spoiling it we tried to be as clever as possible. Sivik minded is defined as being concerned with the well being of the community. the reason Civic is spelled that way is to spell out the pronunciation which hints to "learning the basics". Rest are short words that can be catchy and are relevant to the topic.

this is where it got fun. We dug deep into what can show community or politics in one symbol. You can read the list for yourselves but we really took interest in using a bee. They are community working organisms and are lead by a queen what more says community and government! We do nt want to over do the bee element we simply want to use it maybe in the way Evernote uses the elephant. the shield image came up a lot too so we might mix the ideas.

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