
MX: Playground Politics: need/solutions revised

technology disclaimer: System is built for a classroom in which a tablet (iPad) is given to each student rather than a stack of textbooks. Also included in this class are a Smartboard in the class and a touchscreen hub in the play area.

15 offline need + online solution


need: I want my students to understand and know how to use democracy in and outside the classroom.
solutions: Playground Politics will have a resource database feature which students can refer back to any time that they have questions. This feature will live on the students’ tablet and the first post and point of reference will be an intro motion graphic depicting the importance of democracy and showing examples.

need: I want to get feedback from the students, but understand that some students do not want to publicly express if they do or do not
need help. 

solution: An in-app feature will allow you to open a voting poll on a smart board and on the students’ tablets. Students can use a swipe upward or downward to quickly vote anonymously. The student will be able to see which students need additional help and will be able to provide assistance. No raising hands anymore!

need: I want my students to have the opportunity to vote on where to go on the next field trip?solutions: Through PP you can open a "live" poll in class where she can present and describe different options for students to vote on anonymously.

need: I want the students to come up with an Idea for a class fundraiser?
solution: Another feature of "live" poll is that during a presentation, if allowed, a speculative tool will collect student ideas and put them into the voting poll. The overall class tablet based voting will determine if these ideas are something to consider.

need: I want to know if the assignments are not challenging the students to learn.
solution: Non live votes can ask questions about the work and collect votes and written feedback through a forum based feature on the tablet. This could be accessed in or out of the classroom.

need: I want students be able to settle disagreements in the play area without my physical presence.
solution: The students can utilize an interactive hub on the playground which they can press for solutions to their disagreement. The teacher will be notified on her phone or tablet and prompted to provide several possible solutions. The solutions will appear on the screen of the hub and the students can determine the best solution.

need: I want my students to be exposed to current events and real world politics. 
solutions: To jumpstart their understanding of real world politics, Playground Politics will pull stories from news sources and create open discussions on current events going on around them in the world. This will get them to understand that politics affects your life even when you are young.

need: I want to see how well the students are interacting with one another. 
solutions: PP will give you visual report breaking down collaboration, sharing, roles in the classroom, leadership and partner support. These statistics will help guide the help develop the student as a better citizen. Parents are also given limited access to these reports


need: I want to become the class treasurer! 
solution: At the end of the first month, students will have the opportunity to express interest through a teacher curated survey on Playground Politics for different political positions in the class. Based on the results, the class will vote on positions including everything from class president to treasurer. This vote will take place anonymously on each student’s tablet so that there is no outside influence.

need: I want to vote on a live vote for where we are going on our next field trip, but I’m too sick to go to class today.
solution: Even if the student cannot make it to class, they can still use their tablet anywhere with internet connection to give their input on important class issues. The student will be able to view presentations or discussions related to the particular issue so that they can give an accurate vote.

need: I have no idea who to vote for to become class president.
solution: Playground Politics can present a child with a private tablet based questionnaire that will analyze what qualities they want in a leader. This feature will not place a vote, but will simply inform the student how comparable candidates are to one another on different issues.

need: We want to vote on a team for a school wide soccer tournament. How can we do this effectively and quickly so we can play!
solution: Through an outdoor hub students can open up a poll for teams and choose in a fun, interactive way.

need: I want to discuss a current event with my class.
solutions: You can share articles and videos with your class through your browser on a larger platform. From there the class discuss and maybe even find ways to get involved. Print options of current events are also still acceptable.

need: Me and my partner can't decide on how to progress on our project, we need help guiding us through it.
solutions: PP’s interface on your tablet will have a feature which would allow you to visually depict tasks which need to be completed. you both can then choose who will do what and each of you will receive a report on what specific tasks need to be completed. This will help to evenly distribute tasks and ensure that one student does not end up doing all of the work on a project.

need: I want to ask the class president for something but I forgot who  he/she is.
solutions: Augmented role identifiers will make this situation simple. Utilizing tech tiles and your tablets, you can use a feature in PP to hold up your tablet and visually view the different roles of all of the students in the classroom. Each desk would have a tech tile which would interact with the tablets.

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