
VA: Reading Response - Week 4

Towards Critical Autonomy, Or Can Graphic Design Save Itself?

This whole idea about style over conviction reminded me of a satirical design project by Amy West who created a fake design studio called "Grafik BS" and launched it throughout the internet. The work they showed was all about style and there was no true content. On behance the grafik bs got tons of appreciations which was sort of a disappointment since she was making a statement about designer that but style over everything else. I don't know if graphic design will be able to save itself but I do know there will be a lot more new designer who will go beyond just style but with technology be so easy to use we will still see lots of folks with no design schooling making stuff purely out of style and trend.

The Designer as Catalyst

Before I came to KCAI I was always criticised for being in graphic design because its a field that just feeds into consumerism. Which may be true but thats not what I what I wanted in my design career. For one I wanted to use my talent to help smaller business not large blood sucking corporations. In the last few years I've seen how wrong those people who criticized me were, there is so much I can do with design that maybe even combat consumerism. The idea of activating citizens is one I really took notice to, in today's world we see a lot of people that are ignorant to the world around them and some are even highly misinformed. As designers we have the power to communicate messages to the world and we should be using that hopefully not to convince them to a preferred position but to inspire them to take any position. 

Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do?

Article sort of starts of by saying how production has been increasing over the last 150 years, even more in the last 50 and how design has changed its position a lot during all of this. Design is now being used to solve problems globally and how the one client, one designer process is evolving. Advanced design is now about three ideas distributed, plural, and collaborative. Massive change has a pretty strong position on global economy/society that it  may be misunderstood an Utopian but its really just taking about what's happening now. We need to all as citizen be a part of this to help reshape our future.

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