
VA: Reading Response - Week 5

He Might Be Giant: Shepard Fairey

The main thought the reading sparked in me is how humble(almost overly humble) Shepard Fairey is. I found it really interesting how his fame pretty much started with a joke sticker with andre the giants face on it and it evolution to becoming icon of anti-advertising and now ironically a brand in itself. I find Fairey's comment on not being a cool person and in fact being boring sort of contradicts his later comment of him being "giant" and that is a mirror of himself. I am a believer in that someone's art work often carries their personality and if Fairey was truly boring and uncool Obey would be a bland, uninteresting movement but its exactly the opposite.

Guerrilla Street Postering: Civil Disobedience in Los Angeles

Street postering is a topic we all know of especially in graphic design most of us are even do it ourselves. Reading Robbie Conal's speak about his knowledge of it give some good insight on the culture and what it's all about. I've always has an interest in politics so this kind work really speaks to me. Conal mentions how this is not just art about politics, it is politics and I could agree more. Some times street poster in made with the intentions to change peoples mind or position on something that is important to them and Conal believes that it is arrogant. So there is probably a fine line in creating work that creates awareness and work that becomes arrogant by trying to influence highly subjective messaged.

Adbuster: Veronique Vienne Interviews Kalle Lasn

The idea of a Code of ethics for the design field a possibility? More and more is it being realized that design work can sometimes have undesired consequences, Lasn refers to these as "true cost". Meaning that a designer considers the ecological and psychological consequences of the product they are about to create. The idea that considering the possible damages really puts the designer in a position for them decide what is right and wrong but Lasn hopes that the true cost theory becomes a more scientific in calculating the consequences. Its stated that we can't trust that corporations will do all the "green" work for us as designers have to be part of it also. Even students are now interested in they can do more in their field than just make money but make a difference. 

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